PROMAX TM-150 Vacuum Tumbler

Promax TM-150 Vacuum Tumbler is a specialized piece of equipment designed to enhance the marination and tenderization process of meat and poultry products in the food industry. By using a vacuum sealed environment, the TM-150 ensures that marinades and seasonings are absorbed deeply and evenly into the product, resulting in superior flavor, texture and product yield. 

PROMAX TM-150 Vacuum Tumbler

Process and Usage in the Food Industry

The Promax TM 150 Vacuum Tumbler is widely used is the food industry. Here’s a detailed look at how the process work and its application.

1: Before placing the product in the tumbler, it is usually pre-cut and prepared according to the desired specifications. The meat is then mixed with the appropriate marinade or seasoning to ensure all pieces are coated evenly. 

2: Once the product is placed inside the tumbler drum, the lid is sealed and the vacuum process begins. The air inside the drum is evacuated, creating a vacuum environment. This step is crucial as it causes the meat to expand and allow the marination to penetrate more deeply. 


Process and Usage in the Food Industry

3: Promax TM 150 is designed to make the marination process more easy and suitable to the meat pieces. Once the tumbler is set with meat, the drum starts rotating. The mechanical action massages the product into further aiding the absorption of the marinade. The rotation can be adjusted through the use of control panel. 

4: There are total of 60 actions on the control panel that can be used in this vacuum tumbler such as time, rotation speed and vacuum pressure combine with switching on and off of the equipment. 

control panel

5: During the vacuum process, the drum rotates clock wise and counter clocker wise. So the drum is properly secured via brackets to keep the equipment in place. 


6: After the tumbling process is complete, the product is ready for further processing. You can take out all the meat and marination from the drum by placing another tub or drum below the drum. There is enough space allocated and secured with proper brackets. 


Application in the Food Industry

The Promax TM 150 vacuum tumbler is a versatile tool used across the different sectors in the food industry. Some of the large scale applications are used in meat processing operations where marination and tenderization of meat products such as chicken breast, beef cuts and pork loins. The vacuum tumblers ability in the process large quantities efficiently makes it a valuable asset in high-volume production environment. 

Manufacturers in the ready to eat meals and other prepared food use the TM 150 to ensure the products have consistent flavor profile. This is especially important for the product sold in bulk where consistency is key to customer satisfaction. 

Significant Contribution in Meat Industry

The Promax TM 150 Vacuum Tumbler is an essential piece of equipment in the meat industry and it is designed to enhance the marination and tenderization process of meat. Keeping the significant contribution in mind, M&M Equipment Corps store this equipment in their inventory with latest vacuum technology. The combination of adjustable tumbling process and settings leads to versatile handling of high volumes of meat production. 

The Promax TM-150 Vacuum Tumbler is a valuable asset in meat processing plants and M&M Equipment Corps regularly maintain such valuable asset for your business operations. You can always check out the equipment condition and maintenance with their expert team and make your meat plants for productive. 
